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Friday, May 16, 2008

Girl On The Go

Johanna started "crawling" a week ago Wednesday. It isn't exactly crawling but she is on the move. She has one leg under her body and pushes with one foot. She is much happier now that she can get somewhere. Now if I could just get her to roll over.


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

She is so cute. I hope you are ready to be moving!!!

The Adoption Journey of Baby King said...

She is adorable!

Susie said...

Love the last picture and her darn cute! Bella does not like rolling over either, scares her. Exciting that she is crawling. Blessings, Susie

jajbs said...

Congrats to that precious baby girl!! She is getting so big and more and more cute with each post!!


Debbie said...

She is "crawling" just like Lili. Actually, it's more of a scoot, but boy can they move that way. Get ready to really be on the go now mommy!

Nikki said...

hey, i love her hair! wavy and funky. so cute!

hang in there, she could be walking soon... and then you'd have to chase her!

Unknown said...

Go Johanna!!! Good for her that she found a way to get around. She is changing a lot! So cute...

Donna and Ava

Victoria and Joe said...

She is just so cute... So sorry to hear she is sick.. sick babies are the worst.. so stressful... Hope she is better soon

Jenne said...

Look at that cute little face!!