About 15 years ago my former pastor and his wife went to Israel. I stayed with their two children. They brought me back this necklace with the Star of David and Cross. I wore it always, almost never taking it off. That was - until going to Guatemala to get Johanna. She would not leave it alone and I was afraid it would get broken. I took it off - and lost it. That was a year ago this week.
This morning Mom was dusting out her curio cabinet and guess what she found??? My necklace!!! It's back on now and hopefully I can teach Johanna to leave it alone.
Oh, I'm so glad you found it!!!
What a beautiful and unique necklace!
Glad you found your necklace! It's beautiful.
That is such a beautiful necklace. You are so luck to have found it again!!!
What a beautiful necklace. So glad you found it!! I can imagine how heartbroken you were over it.
How great you found it!!!!!
What a beautiful necklace! Your daughter is adorable!!! Stop by my blog for a giveaway!
Yea! There's nothing better than finding something precious that was lost. I can relate!
Have a wonderful weekend! :)
WOW! Awesome story! Congratulations on your forever family day! I will never forget precious Johanna at the Embassy---such a dream baby, with mine screaming her head off! haha---Good times we won't soon forget, right? You have a beautiful daughter and she is so blessed to have you for her mommy.
HI! I am making stops at all blogs I find with people with adopted children from Guatemala to extend an invitation to visit my blog. I was born and raised in Guatemala, later moved to the US and became a naturalized US citizen. We have one son adopted from Guatemala and two biological born in Guatemala. Having met various people with adopted children from Guatemala I felt I had a gift to give and that was share my heritage. In the blog I am posting all things Guatemalan: recipes, nursery rhymes, places to visit, etc.... If you do stop by and like it, please share, comment and ask for topics.
Ok Gail, you are too good at facebook and slacking on your blog :)
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