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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Getting Ready


Kylie's Mommy said...

It's never to early to start..
She is so cute... I bet she will have a blast this holiday season with her Mommy.

Jane said...

Oh Lord. That is TOO cute! Better get that girl some sleigh bells...They're already putting the decorations out at the red bullseye stores. Right next to the Halloween decorations!

Pineapple Princess said...

I'm not ready for that song. Good thing Johanna is adorable and broke it to me softly!

Anonymous said...

Great idea teaching those Christmas songs early. Isn't is going to be the BEST Christmas ever??!! Can't wait to see what Johanna does when she sits on Santa's lap. I think Fia is going to be fine at first, then freak out. :)

Debbie said...

It's hard to tell who is more excited about Christmas this year. Mommy or Johanna? Very cute!!!